I was introduced to a purely delightful Danish singer/songwriter named Tina Dico. So far I have only really become acquainted with one of her albums, "Count to Ten," but that one album is pretty spectacular. If you really, really wanted to say "she kind of sounds like..." about her, you'd have to say maybe Jewel? But Tina Dico is far superior in all wakes: better vocalist, better songwriter, better guitarist, better everything. I like the occasional Jewel song, but I like all of Tina Dico's songs.
I've embedded a video for you. She's performing the title track off of her album Count to Ten, my personal favorite track of hers (so far at least). And I do apologize for the creepy woman singing random backup vocals for Ms Dico. She may be scary and over animated, but their voices do blend well (except for the weird yipping thing she does during the instrumental break...) Besides, the other live performances left a lot to be desired.
Speaking of videos, this should have never happened:
Please allow me to redeem myself after putting you through that previous video by talking about TheFunTheory.com. This is an organization that is dedicated to using fun to change people's behavior for their own/the environment's/whatever's good. "OK, great. What does this have to do with music?" you may be asking yourself. One of the brilliant things this organization came up with was to change a flight of stairs into a piano keyboard to see if more people would use those now super fun stairs over taking the escalator, which was right next to the steps.
See the results in the video below - Oh, and you should go to their website (Click it if you missed it) and see what other delicious shenanigans these folks have been up to.
OK. I would understand if, even though the piano stairs are way beyond wicked cool, it still wasn't enough to redeem myself because - let's face it - that Nirvana/Destiny's Child world endingly awful mash-up was really just that bad - maybe this link will help.
For the love of all that is Beatles Click it!
Here you will find Roadside Jesus' Periodic Table of Rockin'. Nope. I'm not even kidding.
Number one element on the Table? H - Hendrix, followed by M, Dp, Im and Md: Metallica, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden and Megadeath.
It's color coded and fully linked - click on each element to see an artist/band photo, their links, and an often witty little blurb about each group. It's pretty swell. And so are you.
OK, if that last link didn't make up for the video-that-shall-not-be-named, this one will
Good sweet Mike Click it!
Here at WisdomBits you'll find just what the site advertises: nubbins of wisdom from everlasting songmavens. So go, and just let your cursor rest over the lovely colored squares. You'll get a taste of wisdom at every one. You'll see what I mean.
Check out this amazing singing dog Mishka!
The video caption actually says she's better than Bieber. I'm choosing not to comment on that....
I will comment on the fact that you can now purchase Mishka's debut hit (with over 2 million views to her video) on iTunes. This girl is headed for the charts.
How many of you listen to streaming music?
Here (Click it!) you'll find seven sites besides Last.FM and Pandora for streaming music/internet radio.
Personally, I'm a big fan of 8tracks and Grooveshark.
I have found that Grooveshark is especially awesome for getting to know artists or bands that you may be new to. Though I'll admit it isn't the most user friendly music site I've ever encountered, it's still pretty fly.
Alright, I think I've linked enough for you for now.
Be sure and check back - the next picture spam should be pretty sweet.
Keep on rocking in the free world -
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